
Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery

K. J. Institute of Ayurved & Research K. J. Institute of Ayurveda & Research
BAMS 1st Year

RachanaShareera Department, KriyaShareera Department, Sanskrit SamhitaSiddhant Department

BAMS 2nd Year

DravyaGuna Department, RasaShashtraEvumBhaishjyaKalpana Department RogaNidanaEvumVikrutiVigyan Department, Sanskrit SamhitaSiddhant Department

BAMS 3rd Year

Kaumabhritya Department, SwasthavrittaDepartment, AgadTantra and VidhiVaidhyak Department, Prasuti-tantra and StriRoga Department, SanskritSamhitaSiddhant Department

BAMS 4th Year

Panchakarma Department, ShalyaTantra Department, Kayachikitsa Department Shalakyatantra Department, Research Methodology and statics Department

RachanaShareera (Human Anatomy)

The department which deals with the entire study of human body ,which is inevitable for a doctor.We have well-built dissection theatre and specimen museum established in broad area to provide practical knowledge to the students. The department performs embalming & preservation of donated dead body for the purpose of dissection,specimen making& practical studies.

Dissection is very important part of practical training in anatomy. Doctors should have practical experience of real human anatomy in dead body. The hands-on experience with a real body means that you can truly appreciate anatomy, relations and variations.

Our anatomy department has museum having real dissected organs preserved in formalin, plaster of Paris organ models, skeleton,original bone set etc. which are essential for the study of complete structure of human body.

KriyaShareera (Human Physiology)

This department deals with teaching students about functional aspect of human body ,both in Ayurvedic &modern prospective.We have well-built physiology lab established in broad area to provide practical training to the students. Our lab is having all blood and urine investigation instruments, and reagents required for the practical class. We give high quality practical training as well as theory teaching regarding the

  • how to perform investigations of blood and urine?
  • how to analyze the body type (Prakriti)?
  • how to assess the physical and mental strength of patient?
  • how to do basic systemic examinationes of human body?
  • how to do Nadi Pareeksha (pulse examination)?
  • how to examine stool?

SanskritSamhitaSiddhant Subjects:
1. AstangHrudyaEvumMaulikSiddhant
2. PadarthVigyan
3. Sanskrit

Ashtang hriday is a main source of knowledge of Ayurveda. SamhitaSidhhanta & Sanskrit department imparts the knowledge and understanding of basic principles like Panchmahabhut, Siddhant, ThridoshaSiddhant, diagnostic and treatment principles. Department is engaged in conveying basic principles of Ayurveda as well as research methodology from different text and reference books throughout the academic years. The department has a vast collection of charts and models of the subject.